How Digital Signage Can Boost Your Branding

Branding is one of the most important factors driving a business’ success. Here are all the ways digital signage can help boost your company’s branding.
WRITTEN BY: TelemetryTV, 03-04-2022
How Digital Signage Can Boost Your Branding

Digital signage offers a wide array of benefits to businesses—both large and small. Things like higher sales numbers, better consumer engagement, increased customer retention, and additional revenue streams.


But one aspect of digital signage many people tend to ignore is its huge impact on a company’s branding. When done right, digital signage can help a brand create a more cohesive brand identity while simultaneously boosting its brand awareness and brand reputation.


With that said, here’s the lowdown on how digital signage can take your brand image to new heights.


Brand recognition


Everything your business does should have some form of branding associated with it. This is how the most well-known brands in the world operate, and it’s how so many people recognize their names.


Digital signage is no exception to this rule. And, unlike many other mediums, digital signage is the perfect place to increase your brand recognition. That’s because digital signage is an eye-catching, visual medium where branded content can have a massive effect on viewers.


Just imagine your business has a network of visually stunning screens that attract lots of attention. Now, imagine putting content on those screens that builds a strong brand identity and that tells your brand’s story and its guiding principles.


This type of content will undoubtedly make your brand a whole lot more memorable in the minds of consumers who come across it.


Reduced printing costs


Most of the time, businesses without digital signage spend huge amounts of money on printing posters and other materials. With digital signage, these printing costs are effectively eliminated.


When you want to show off branded content with digital signage, all you need to do is create the content within your digital signage app and then quickly deploy it to your screens. It’s really that simple.


On top of that, branded digital signage content is also much more dynamic than traditional printed branded content. That’s because digital signage content is brighter and incorporates things like video and motion graphics, which create a much more visually pleasing end product (not to mention it’s better for the environment).


Save time and labor


As we just mentioned, it’s much easier to create branded content for screens than it is for creating branded content for traditional signs.


That’s due to cloud-based digital signage software that makes creating content and streaming it to screens a super simple process.


A digital signage CMS like TelemetryTV, for example, comes with literally dozens of built-in apps, templates, and features that make crafting high-quality content a walk in the park.


Want to create a social media wall for live events? TelemetryTV has a feature for that. Want to stream a video that tells your brand’s history and its impact on the local community? Again, no problem.


And, what’s best, if content running on your screens isn’t performing up to snuff, it can quickly be changed and redeployed in a matter of seconds.


All in all, using digital signage over traditional signage for your branding can save you both time and labor costs.


Increase traffic into your store


Every brand wants to make a good first impression. With digital signage, you can use branded content on your front-of-store screens to give an idea to customers about what they can expect from your brand.


This could be something like highlights of your product catalog, a short video introducing your brand and its ethos, or simply a showcase of your current sales and promotions.


This is not only a great way to boost brand awareness, but it’s also a great way to drive higher foot traffic into your store. And, in turn, drive up your retail sales.


Just make sure the content you decide to run adheres to your business’ already established brand identity.


Build a cohesive brand identity


Let’s talk about the top brands in the world again. They all have one major thing in common: a cohesive brand image across all mediums and content.


For example, viewing McDonald’s or Apple’s branding doesn’t change no matter where you see it. It’s the same on a TV commercial, their website, or on a billboard.


The entirety of their content floating around physical and digital spaces adds up to a cohesive, singular, and memorable identity, which leads it to be forever associated with the product they are selling (burgers for McDonald’s and mobile phones for Apple).


Essentially, this means that all of your branded digital signage content must comply with all of your other existing branding. Colors, logos, typography, and the like all need to be standardized and you need to always give off the same vibes and tone with your branded content.


Basically, no piece of content should feel out of place with any other piece of your branded content.


Boost your brand today with digital signage


Interested in learning more about how digital signage can help improve your company’s branding? Visit the TelemetryTV website to find out more today.

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